Sunday Jun 04, 2023
(Vaesen) Ravenloft: Mistborne - Episode 0: A Misty Dream
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Session 0: A Misty Dream
Several individuals all experience the same dream one dreary eve. Though separated by great distances, they are connected by a deep old root. On the mist choked cobblestone streets of this dream town, they will learn of a strange and dark truth ahead of them. Follow along as these people are now haunted by the past that could affect their futures.
Chris - GM
Josh - “Large” Lars Larsson (Toronto, Ontario)
- Jaeger (Norwegian Elkhound)
Adam - Johann “John” Anderson (Cave City, Kentucky)
Yellow Dave - “Doctor” Dorotea Koningsmark (Dildo, Newfoundland)
Musical Credits
Daudir by Alexander Nakarada
Free download: https://filmmusic.io/song/7893-daudir
License (CC BY 4.0): https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
(One Less Die) Episode 10: Vaesenloft Talkie!
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
So this is a first for One Less Die! A Talkie is a discussion episode on a certain topic. In this case, Adam and David from RPX and RPPR and Myself (Chris from OLD) got together to talk about combining D&D's Setting Ravenloft and the Vaesen RPG from Free League.
This is a bit of precursor discussion to the next campaign to air on One Less Die: Mistborne (Ravenloft in Vaesen).
Please enjoy our discourse and brainstorming, and we hope you enjoy the Mistborne campaign beyond this point!
(Ravenloft): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ravenloft
Wednesday May 31, 2023
(Cthulhu D20) Working Group TREESTAR - Episode 3: Honeycomb
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Wednesday May 31, 2023
Session 3: Honeycomb
Agents are sent to Vancouver to investigate a property where a renovation team suffered what is publicly being called a large bee infestation. However, as they are being briefed at a local greasy spoon, the agents will soon discover that it is certainly not Bees.
Chris - Handler
Aaron - Agent Bellemont, Richard (CSIS Surveillance Specialist) - Swiftcurrent, Saskatchewan
Dave - Agent Davids, Collin (TEMS Operative) - Swiftcurrent, Newfoundland
Adam - Agent Vincent Ferner (Biologist/Entomologist)
Crystal Chris - Agent David Bowman (Criminal)
Musical Credits:
Dreamlike by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3677-dreamlike
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Hush by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4986-hush
Wednesday May 24, 2023
(Mass Effect D20) Mass Effect WOLFPACK 2- Episode 3: Departure for the Praxlonyyt Rift
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Wednesday May 24, 2023
Session 3: Departure for the Praxlonyyt Rift
One mission complete, and consequences ensue, meanwhile a new mission and major opportunity arises! Doctor Arla De Shen and the Angara Republic of the Heleus Council would like to commission the WOLFPACK to journey out beyond Heleus to a neighboring cluster. This new expanse is where both an ancient Angara colony fleet left for AND where the sightings of the Scourge Eater originate.
Chris - GM
Aaron - Theodore Ronin Hunter (Human Vanguard)
Josh - Hilo’Vael Vas Wolfpack Nar Colepsi (Quarian Machinist)/Lia’dana Vas Wolfpack Nar Nia (Quarian Biotic)
Seb - Korlus Runt (Krogan Battlemaster) (1.5 yrs old, give or take 606 years, looks “112 yrs”)
Dave - Olka Ibn’taaj (Batarian Infiltrator)/Maerk Mamu (Volus Sentinel)
Adam - Krick (Vorcha Hunter)
Chris - Urdnot Wrex (Krogan Battlemaster)
Marc - Tom Johnson (Human Soldier)
Wednesday May 17, 2023
(Cthulhu D20) Grumblehammer Esoterica - Episode 23: A Tale of Two Scales 2 Part 2
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Session 23: A Tale of Two Scales 2 Part 2 - The Traveler
The August Boys travel deeper into the mysterious Cloutmann Chemicals blacksite that has not only gone dark, but unleashed strange forces in the North. With communication with their chaperones spotty at best, it’s up to the Boys and a large Crocodile Alien to find out what’s going on.
Chris - GM
Aaron - Ezra O'Connell
Dave - Hayden Davenport
Musical Credits:
Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Static Motion by Kevin MacLeod
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Session 2: Bring your Krick to Work Day Part 2
The Mission continues, but with the only shuttle down on the stormy world of Novolori, and communication acting up for the ground team, what's a Krogan left on the ship to do? The decisions may surprise you! Tonight on WOLFPACK: Jackass Edition!
Chris - GM
Aaron - Theodore Ronin Hunter (Human Vanguard)
Josh - Hilo’Vael Vas Wolfpack Nar Colepsi (Quarian Machinist)/Lia’dana Vas Wolfpack Nar Nia (Quarian Biotic)
Seb - Korlus Runt (Krogan Battlemaster) (1.5 yrs old, give or take 606 years, looks “112 yrs”)
Dave - Olka Ibn’taaj (Batarian Infiltrator)/Maerk Mamu (Volus Sentinel)
Adam - Krick (Vorcha Hunter)
Chris - Urdnot Wrex (Krogan Battlemaster)
Marc - Tom Johnson (Human Soldier)
Musical Credits:
NewsSting by Kevin MacLeod
Wednesday May 03, 2023
(Cthulhu D20) Grumblehammer Esoterica - Episode 22: A Tale of Two Scales 2 Part 1
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Session 22: A Tale of Two Scales 2 Part 1 - The Inutok Incident
Actions have consequences, and the August Boys are learning this. However, they are also thrust YET AGAIN into a new investigation, as yet another surge of energy crashes against the Schools wards from a nearby anomalous source. What’s going on this time? FInd out!
Chris - GM
Aaron - Ezra O'Connell
Dave - Hayden Davenport
Musical Credits:
Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Static Motion by Kevin MacLeod
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
“The Remembrance ceremonies for last year's tragic fuel station disaster at the Remav System went on with a sombre success Yesterday. Major delegates from the entire Heleus Community were in attendance, paying their respects, including all current Pathfinders: Especially those aboard the WOLFPACK, who valiantly rescued the survivors of that harrowing, cataclysmic incident. And in other news; the Yithadi, those enigmatic stowaways turned charitable info brokers, are making strides in their shared studies of the Remnant installation known as the Crown. Dr. Arla De Shen, Angaran Astro-archeologist has released several papers regarding major discoveries found locked away in the ancient Jardaan data servers. With the Yithadi’s digital prowess, who knows what else we may uncover that the ancient builder left behind. This is HNN.”
Session 1: Bring your Krick to Work Day Part 1
A Year has passed, and the WOLFPACK finds itself with a crew new and old. New Pathfinder Prospects and some extra service crew are teaming up with the original WOLFPACK Pathfinders and their (rather irate) Oversight Agent. As the crew mingles and figures the new arrangements out, they receive a mission. The Asari Eleosia Foundation and the Vorcha Governance are requesting aid within their new home system of Inalaara. Several survey teams have disappeared down on the mysterious world of Novolori. Including One which had a team from the Crown. A Yithadi named Gatiwyn and an Angara named… Dr. Arla De Shen.
Chris - GM
Aaron - Theodore Ronin Hunter (Human Vanguard)
Josh - Hilo’Vael Vas Wolfpack Nar Colepsi (Quarian Machinist)/Lia’dana Vas Wolfpack Nar Nia (Quarian Biotic)
Seb - Korlus Runt (Krogan Battlemaster) (1.5 yrs old, give or take 606 years, looks “112 yrs”)
Dave - Olka Ibn’taaj (Batarian Infiltrator)/Maerk Mamu (Volus Sentinel)
Adam - Krick (Vorcha Hunter)
Chris - Urdnot Wrex (Krogan Battlemaster)
Marc - Tom Johnson (Human
Musical Credits:
NewsSting by Kevin MacLeod
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
(Cthulhu D20) Grumblehammer Esoterica - Episode 21: Le Brumes Des Morts Part 3
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Wednesday Apr 19, 2023
Session 21: Le Brumes des Morts Part 3 - Fateful Conséquence
The spirit of Baldur makes himself known. Revelations are coming to light, much like a certain holy light which is needed for a certain ritual to strengthen an older faith. But the question remains… will the August Boys teenage dude bro their way through YET ANOTHER spiritual realm when dealing with a pantheon? Uh… find out?
Chris - GM
Aaron - Ezra O'Connell
Dave - Hayden Davenport
Musical Credits:
Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Static Motion by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://filmmusic.io/song/4414-static-motion
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
(Red Markets) Beyond the Canadian Rad-Moat! - Episode 4: GMAT!
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Wednesday Apr 12, 2023
Session 4: Blight Biome - GMAT!
This is an Elimination job. Something is lurking about Shannon Bay, Smith’s Bay and the land in between. What’s more, it appears to be some sort of large aberrant creature that generates blight on the local environment. If Victoria's Landing is to become a haven for the Enclave, this thing needs to go. Fortunately, a Researcher is also willing to pay for it.
Chris - The Market
Dave - Blitz/Blight Beard(Latent)
Aaron - Wizard (Immune)
Musical Credits
The Canadian Anthem
Link: https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-heritage/services/anthems-canada.html